Amokoko - The potters


The painting “Amokoko” The potter depicts in a colourful mosaic-like form and pattern the continent's master potters, primarily women, display their dexterity by hand-building a variety of vessels, coloring their surfaces with slips or other concoctions prepared from clay or vegetable sources, incising or impressing decorations with wood or metal tools, and firing the vessels at low temperatures. The rich earthen bodies of their creations are often decorated and sometimes burnished. The malleable quality of moist clay and a potter's skill allow her to create forms ranging from bowls of minimal form to water bottles of complex shapes. These objects, often cherished by individuals and families, may remain undecorated or may be embellished in various ways. The beauty and richness of Africa's pottery resonates through the traditional and modern ceramic works of art. This piece of work is a sight to behold.

Price: $400.00

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