Criedne cuts off her breasts

In Annie Aube gallery


So this embroidery is based on a Celtic ledgend. Criedne was a young girl, she had been raped three times by her father and every time she ended up getting pregnant and having a baby. When it came out that she had been raped by her father the druids blamed her for suducing her father. The ironic part is that the thing which Criedne was the most angry about was that her father Connel Black Foot would not acknowledge her children as legitimate heirs. She was so angry that she gathered an army of men and pretty much destroyed Connel BlackFoots kingdom. After this happens Connel Black Foot makes the attempt to rape Criedne again. "Conall Blackfoot dragged me to him. I pulled the sharp knife from my belt. I ripped open my bodice. Cut off both my breasts. Blood spilled on the late summer grass. I flung my breasts at my father. 'Since you have such a taste for my body, eat these.'" She then becomes part of the sun and him the moon.

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