H?ctor Olvera "Etor" Gallery



My thinking is my feeling by Héctor Olvera 

Pondering on this uninterrupted  talk with myself, that has been present in me since my first awakenings, the same it is a self-remembering factor of never sleep inherited and is the link of the equilibrium between my external world around and my internal ruling world .

Today, on the autum of my existence it is as alive as it was at the beginning of this adventure of living.

In this way, this monologue starts in all time indifferently from mi inner I or from mi visible and  reasonable I external to me and is that divine spark that never dies, my I Am, who prevents me to be charged to one side or another. Here and with this emerges with all its force and unbreakable will  my self talk and my I Am sees without seeing what is hidden to those who sleep; I see what freedom is about which we have all right to, this is, to escape from the prison where every prisoner does the same thing over and over. I transfer the scene to my beautiful paintings, is very clear to me the subtle line separating what it is from what it seems to be and it is no. What is freedom from libertinism. Art, from pornography.

This is how my I Am with tears of blood, of that Sacred  Hambledozin filling the sanguineous torrent of the external body to me, is who concludes what is conclusive and says in its undescriptible language for the world: "Libertinism is to do what we want to, believeing that being free is being self pleasant". "Freedom is to do what we must, whether it likes us or not, is to be free for acting and deciding without the intention to be nice for the others, in reality, without expecting anything, only acomplish our duty".

 With a strong and straight cut continues and says: "Art is a universal language emulating the Divine, is directed to touch the most internal parts of the Being and it unites us and  makes us brotherhood". "Pornography on the other hand, far from emulating the highness it degrades humanity and is directed to the lower parts of the external man, it tries to use him, manipulate him and explode him."

Here, for you, not for me, I stop my thinking, leaving this testimony of who I Am.

With my open heart.

Héctor Olvera  "Etor"

 Taken from: www.hectorolvera.com



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