Abhijit Jiwa



Welcome to the profile of Abhijit Jiwa. My style of art is traditional realistic art. Drawing came naturally to me as a kid. Ever since then its been a voyage of discoveries. I have never recieved any formal art training, as I'm completely self-taught. Years of self study from books and gallery visits, have helped guide me a great deal. In Art, as in life, if one has a goal, one tends to move in the right direction. Greatly influenced by the Italian and Victorian masters, I strived to attain greater levels of self-mastery . The forms and composition of Italian artists, have been my main source of inspiration. Impressionistic and American Southwest art have also greatly influeced my style of painting. I mostly prime and prepare my own canvas. Panels are my favourite though. Exhibitions: Bombay Jehangir Gallery: Selected works: 1989 Bangalore Private gallery exhibitions: 1997 Mysore Rotary Exhibition: 2001 Plus many group shows, and private exhibitions.


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