Prevailing Love


In short (and I mean SHORT), I do not believe humans could possibly have an accurate conception of God (God as in an all powerful force dictating the laws humans and the rest of nature is subject) and those who claim they do are ignorant and arrogant. I suggest these kinds of people are ignorant and arrogant because by claiming they know the absolute truth, they are in turn refuting the possibility any other person’s conflicting assertions about the truth of the universe are false. Albert Einstein said “Religion is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions.” I agree wholeheartedly with Einstein’s statement. Often people’s beliefs are cast on mere blind faith and have no logical or rational process by which they cameo their conclusions. Humans can only know so much and history has proven again and again that we are finite/fallible beings whose knowledge/understanding/beliefs flounder under the test of time. Remember how certain humans the earth was flat? “Prevailing Love” attempts to capture my understanding of our universe and the human relationship to the force or being which has set the laws which bound us all to our ultimate destinies. “Prevailing Love” also suggests the alternative to the human preoccupation with “God” is love (and all things that facilitates enduring love). In short (and I mean SHORT), I do not believe humans could possibly have an accurate conception of God (God as in an all powerful force dictating the laws humans and the rest of nature is subject) and those who claim they do are ignorant and arrogant. This is why I chose such an unusual being to be grasping the world in “Prevailing Love.” The song “God has the whole world in his hands” inspired me to represent his power in this way. If you look closely, you will notice the earth entangled in root-like tentacles. The swirls, colors and shapeless bursts of energy engulfing the Joker and earth represents the powerful unknown forces which are presently unfolding all around us at all times. I mean to suggest the forces which dictate our universe and the laws binding everything to a certain destiny are mind-boggling and not possibly fully understood by humans. We can imagine and envision all day long a God sitting on a thrown overseeing the day to day events of our lives, but in reality I think such an imagination is wishful. What reason do we have to believe an omnipotent divine being is concerning him/her/itself with trivial activities of our daily lives? What indicates there is a perfect utopia world awaiting us after we perish in this life? These ideas and beliefs are comforting, but my painting provokes the question… are these beliefs realistic? Our beliefs do not dictate our destinies. Only truth does. Believing wholeheartedly (even willing to die for the belief) in the existence of heaven does not mean there is a heaven. Truth alone determines heaven’s existence. While my painting does illustrate a dark (but sound) perception of reality, it also suggests an antidote to sorrow and the recipe for happiness on earth and amongst humans is love. The heart alludes to this personal principle. I do not stop at love. I also emphasize things of this earth which facilitate love in “Prevailing Love” These things are impossible for us to know with certainty, thus why I devoted this painting to dispelling the notion that religion holds the answer to meaningfulness. The painting allows for the audience to realize what truths are worthy of following. “Prevailing Love,” suggests love is the answer to our quest to maximize pleasure and minimize pain in our joint existence on planet earth. Love is something tangible and observable. I have experienced and witnessed the nature of love and can comfortably proclaim that love is a reasonable basis to found the entire human existence. In conclusion, love accepts and harmonizes mankind. Love is the answer. I understand this is a highly controversial assertion and can feel unfulfilling at times, but my observations and perceptions of this world have left me with no other option. Love may not bring the sense of security Christianity (or any other religion) does, but pure and unadulterated love is a real option to peace and happiness on earth. Throughout man’s existence, pure love (absent of religious presuppositions) has endured as a practical remedy to wickedness. Love is naturally imbued in all humans and must only be accessed with precise intention and care. Love is complex and we ought to pursue a greater understanding of it so that we may possibly better our species’ existence. I chose not to cowardly surrender to blind faith and ignorance, instead, I uphold real truth and have resorted to pursuing love as a practical answer to consistent peace and joy on earth.

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