Space is the Place


I used the slogan as the caption of the late African-American musician Sun - Ra, aka indicating his identification with the largest Egyptian solar deity. Tired of living in our battered planet, Sun - Ra showed us the way of outer space: Space is the Place (where to reside). In the scenario, usual and unusual celestial bodies begin to be connected by roads with light, reachable also by car. On the planet in the foreground we can recognize the pioneers of the new cosmic house (actually a B & B in Quebec, where I stayed) surrounded by the remains of a lost civilization that is reminiscent of ancient Egypt, a wagon carrying a large meteorite, stuck in a rut, astral explorers, the occupants of a carriage pulled by a robot while trying to shoot a pair of animals that seem to threaten local television and old plants, from '50s science fiction. Between galaxies, as well as aircraft of various kinds, an alien facing the keyhole, as from a balcony, the whole thing looks alluring.

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