Flora and Fauna

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Flora and Fauna Culture: Roman Fauna: The guardian of woods and plants, fields and shepherds. The earth-mother and fertility goddess. Goddess of wild things. Another name for Fauna was Bona Dea, the "Good goddess." There was reported much merry making and wine drinking at her festivals. Flora Goddess of flowers. Her festivals were celebrated in the spring with emphasis on love and lovemaking. She was the patron of prostitutes, and considered the secret patron of Rome, without whose help the city would die. She was the embodiment of the flowering of all nature. Flora and Fauna Culture: Roman Fauna: The guardian of woods and plants, fields and shepherds. The earth-mother and fertility goddess. Goddess of wild things. Another name for Fauna was Bona Dea, the "Good goddess." There was reported much merry making and wine drinking at her festivals. Flora Goddess of flowers. Her festivals were celebrated in the spring with emphasis on love and lovemaking. She was the patron of prostitutes, and considered the secret patron of Rome, without whose help the city would die. She was the embodiment of the flowering of all nature. Size: 30 x 20 inches Medium: watercolor Price: $500 framed Print Price: $150

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